Home|Artists|UVA (United Visual Artists)

UVA (United Visual Artists)

United Kingdom Noor Riyadh

UVA (United Visual Artists)

United Visual Artists (UVA, est. 2003) is a London-based artist collective founded by Matt Clark (b. 1974). The studio’s diverse work integrates new technologies with traditional media, such as sculpture, performance, and site-specific installation to create transformative experiences.

UVA draws inspiration from sources such as ancient philosophy and theoretical science to explore cultural frameworks and natural phenomena that shape our cognition. Rather than material objects, UVA’s works are better understood as events in time where a performance of light, sound and movement unfolds. The collective has been commissioned by institutions including the Barbican Curve Gallery and the Royal Academy of Arts in London; and the Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media (YCAM) in Tokyo.

Most notably, in 2023, UVA marked its 20th year at 180 Studios, London, with the exhibition UVA: Synchronicity. The collective’s permanent public works are enjoyed in Toronto, Dubai, Philadelphia, and London.

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Aether, 2024

Aether, 2024

by UVA (United Visual Artists)
Noor Riyadh
Hidden Order

Hidden Order

by UVA (United Visual Artists)
Noor Riyadh