Home|Artists|Ana Maria Negară

Ana Maria Negară

Ana Maria Negară

Ana Maria Negară (b. 1984) gained a PhD in visual arts from the National University of Arts, George Enescu, Iasi, Romania (2014), as well as an MA (2010) and B.Sc. (2008) in sculpture. Her artistic concept is built on the relationship between expressive and conceptual forms of tradition and those of the recent era. In 2010, Ana Maria was admitted as a member of the Union of Professional Artists, Romania.

Between 2014-2016, she was assistant professor in the Department of Sculpture at the University of Arts, George Enescu, Iaşi. Negară has published articles in various art theory and specialized international journals. She has participated in multiple group exhibitions and has received several awards including the Award for Sculpture Union Artists from Romania (2015).

Negară was artistic director of the international symposium Gorj Fest in Targu Jiu, Romania (2012) and participated in national and international sculpture symposiums including, International Sculpture Symposium, Ploiești, Romania (2020); ‘Red Sea’, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia (2019); Brookline, U.S.A(2019); FVG,Venezia, Italy(2019); ‘Silk Road’, Sohar, Oman (2019); ‘NICĂPETRE’, Braila, Romania(2018); ‘Stone in the Galilee’, Ma`lot, Israel (2018); Doha, Qatar(2017); Pafos (2017), Cyprus; Tehran, Iran (2017); Ostraka Art Festival, Egypt (2016); Denizli, Turkey (2016), 21 Aswan, Egypt (2016); VI-th Panevezys, Lithuania (2015).

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The Gate of Light

The Gate of Light

by Ana Maria Negară
Tuwaiq Sculpture
Catharsis – Not just Eternity, but Infinity

Catharsis – Not just Eternity, but Infinity

by Ana Maria Negară
Tuwaiq Sculpture