6 x 2.40 m
Stars – nebulas of light that formed in distant history – are peculiar landscapes in the present. They appear in the vacuums of our perception, inviting mythical narrative and symbolic reference. Do We Ever Really Remember the Same? is a combination of fiber-optic cables that are bent, twisted, and bolted to create a complex graphic image – one that seems at first sight to mimic galaxies beyond. The fiber-optic cable is a technological revolution in transmission speed that gave human civilization 5G networks and high-speed internet. Here, it is used as an analogy to human memory. Fiber-optic cables are to information technology what neural networks are to the human brain: memory is data and light is memory. What is initially an undecipherable backdrop of cable and LED lights soon unravels into a narrative for the attentive viewer. What do you see when you look deeper into the past?
Do we ever really remember the same?, 2023 ©Sara Almutlaq
Commissioned by RCRC and Riyadh Art