Home|Artists|Zineb Sedira

Zineb Sedira

Zineb Sedira

Born in 1963 in Paris (France), ZINEB SEDIRA lives in London (United Kingdom) and works between Algiers (Algeria), Paris and London.

Over the past fifteen years, Sedira has enriched the debate around the concepts of modernism, modernity and its manifestations in an inclusive way. She has also raised awareness of artistic expression and the contemporary experience in North Africa. She found inspiration initially in researching her identity as a woman with a singular personal geography. From these autobiographical concerns she gradually shifted her interest to more universal ideas of mobility, memory and transmission.

Sedira’s work has been shown in solo exhibitions at the De La Warr Pavilion (Bexhill on Sea, UK, 2022-2023), the Bildmuseet (Umeå, Sweden, 2021), the Jeu de Paume (Paris, 2019), and the Sharjah Art Foundation Art Spaces (UAE, 2018), among many others. Her work was presented in group shows in institutions worldwide including Tate Britain (London, 2002, 2012, 2013), Centre Pompidou (Paris, 2004, 2009), Brooklyn Museum (New York, 2007), Tate Modern, (London 2017).

Her work will soon be exhibited at the Calouste Gulbenkian Museum (Lisbon, 2023), and at Dallas Contemporary (US, 2022).

Zineb Sedira represented France at the 59th Venice Biennale in 2022. A special mention from the jury was awarded to her exhibition in the French Pavilion entitled “Dreams Have No Titles”. She is the first artist of Algerian descent selected to represent France at the Venice Biennale.

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by Zineb Sedira
Noor Riyadh