VIA Riyadh
Inhabiting the walls of Via Riyadh once night comes to pass, Gauthier Roumagne’s artwork presents itself as a monumental mapping inspired by the process of photosynthesis. This visual journey through nature’s process of turning light into energy and pure power is as much poetic as intriguing. Photosynthesis is in constant movement: the photons run along the walls, the flow of molecules fragments and recombines. Via Riyadh is turned into a vibrant theater.
Each visual scene is meticulously crafted, using audio synthesis and physical modeling technics to capture the very essence of the photosynthetic process. This image synthesis breathes life into a dynamic tableau, where light and sound converge to create a transient sanctuary at the heart of Via Riyadh.
PHOTOSYNTHESIS, 2023 ©Gauthier Roumagne
Commissioned by RCRC and Riyadh Art