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Stratachrome Black and White

Stratachrome Black and White

Noor Riyadh





A commission for Noor Riyadh, Stratachrome Black and White (2022) explores opacity and transparency, vision and blindness, and the contrast between light and darkness. Two large ephemeral installations are presented side by side, with four smaller artworks leading up to them in a colonnade. Just as black and white are at the opposite ends of the color spectrum, half of the room of the installation will be painted in black and other half in white, creating a dynamic visual experience through their opposition. Within the interior hang sheets of transparent film on which the artist has painted and drawn different forms. These are placed at specific intervals to give the appearance of three-dimensional forms in a state of suspension. Neither an image nor an object, David Sprigg’s creation of “stratachromes” are a third path: what he calls chromatic resonances existing in three dimensions.