Home|Artworks|Solar Dust, 2023
Solar Dust, 2023

Solar Dust, 2023

Noor Riyadh





Quiet Ensemble’s Solar Dust (2023) is an audiovisual installation that transforms the surrounding space into a celestial realm through light. Based on the motif of solar particles in space, the artwork recreates the near-invisible specks to highlight the profound connection between the microscopic and the cosmic, illustrating how everything in the universe is part of a larger system.

Surrounded by the sandy plains of Wadi Hanifah, the ethereal installation resembles an undefined mass of supercharged currents. Laser lights travel like digital fireflies from one corner to the other in a cloud-like structure made of metallic mesh. Solar particles, once hidden, become visible to the viewer through a holographic effect, echoing the grains of sand below and the stardust above.

As the audience journeys through outer space, they are invited to observe the artwork from different angles and contemplate the beauty of the cosmos often overlooked in everyday life.