Home|Artworks|Distortions in Spacetime, 2023
Distortions in Spacetime, 2023

Distortions in Spacetime, 2023

Noor Riyadh




JAX District

Marshmallow Laser Feast’s Distortions in Spacetime (2023) is an interactive audiovisual installation in which the visitor’s movements are mirrored by star-like particles in real time, inspiring reflection on the link between us and the wider cosmos.

The piece reminds us of other realities beyond earth by exploring the death of a giant star and its eventual formation into a black hole, highlighting a paradoxical phenomenon that contains both the building blocks of life and an all-consuming force.

Visitors are plunged into the event horizon, the region near a black hole where light cannot escape and time slows down. The installation captures skeletal data from participants, effectively allowing them to interact with light elements that travel toward the eye of the event. As gravity warps these particles, viewers feel themselves being distorted during the 10-minute journey, prompting contemplation on the cosmic connection between black holes, dying stars and our existence.