

Noor Riyadh





It was during the Islamic Golden Age that Avicenna proposed the thought experiment that a man born blindfolded and suspended in air would still have an understanding of himself. Our concept of self is inherent and independent of both our senses and the world they interpret.

Whilst this is true, it is through our wider community and culture that our lives are enriched. Through our interaction with others we aspire, wonder and innovate, this collective consciousness powering humanity beyond the individual. So it is with the city of Riyadh and the Noor festival.

It is this that Grimanesa Amoros explores with her light sculpture Amplexus (2022). She explores how interactions between the self and the city create both communal engagement and connected inspiration. Reminiscent of Avicenna’s assertion, the light radiates through the air, enveloping and embracing the architecture, space and the viewer — connecting and uniting the three in a shared moment of wonder.